Wednesday, November 1, 2023

Sonic's latest 3D action-platformer can only be found on Apple Arcade.


Our previous attempts were futile in defeating Robotnik individually. However, by combining our strength, intelligence, and speed, we were able to achieve victory. This is why we stand together as a team on the battlefield. This is our second chance to fight, and although I don't have a specific plan or ideas, we need to find Robotnik's weak point. I suggest that his vulnerability lies in me, specifically my speed. If I distract him, you can focus on attacking him, leaving him open to a flank from me and the fox. You are a brave and honorable champion, even if it means facing your inevitable demise. We should work on improving our motivational speeches. We need to go, and you need to come with me. You don't need to tell me to come and get you; I'm already on my way. I'm coming to get you ASAP. You're heavy because I have super strength. What happened here? I think we're thinking the same thing. Let's go find our child. We need your truck. So, what's the plan here?

Do you want to build a giant robot house and have a big robot? Why? I will oppress humanity and force them to support my machines. First, it will be Green Hills, then the entire universe, and then the multiverse. Who knows, maybe I'll be powerful enough to conquer it all. Surrender now, aliens. It's not as tough as it seems when you're fighting someone twice your size. Can you handle me? I am all-knowing and powerful. I see your fancy robot and raise you an interruption. I am also a force to be reckoned with. This is how I operate, alien. I like your new look; it suits you. Let's just leave the past in the past. We both made mistakes, but there are good people on both sides. Smart individuals can find a way to resolve these things. Oh, okay. We're not friends anymore, alien. Wait, you can't touch him.

The Hedgehog possesses the power of the Chaos Emeralds. I'm sorry, but this is not the Sonic you once knew, alien. Okay, here's the Sonic you remember. Get it, bud? Ah, it's good to be back in blue. The whole god thing was fun, but blue has always been more my style. It looks good on you. Has anyone ever told you that you have serious resentment issues? You make fun of me with your weak jokes, but you don't know anything about me, Hedgehog. Well, I know that echidnas like to feel excluded and ruin my life. Destroying your life is just another bad joke. I lost everything because of you. My tribe was on the verge of its greatest triumph.

The remaining owl Champions had been discovered, and soon we would have possessed the secrets of the Emeralds. My father prevented me from joining the battle, promising that my moment of honor would come. But it didn't happen. Those were the last words he spoke to me, and I never saw him again. We both lost everything that day. Goodbye, Sonic. Are you okay? No, it wasn't a vacation. Dallas, remove the compass, and let's get out of here. Tails, wake up! You chose to help the fox instead of pursuing the compass. Of course, you did. New friends, same old weakness.

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